Simple Ways to Start Making Money Now.
I’ve been talking a lot about trying to start your business slowly, to avoid major expenses in the beginning.I know that most of us who want to start a business, need to start generating some income now. In light of that, I want to share a few ideas on how you can start generating income, and the start up costs are pretty minimal.
Did you know that you can make money online just by writing about your love for food and cooking? We all know that the interest in cooking has just exploded. All you have to do to verify that is check out the number of cooking shows on TV.
Sure, the likelihood that we will be the next Paula Dean, Rachel Ray or Alton Brown may be slim. The good news however is that TV is not the only place people are getting their cooking information.
I just did a search for the word “cooking” online. Would you have guessed that last month alone 7,480,000 searches were done for that keyword alone.Then I went a step further, tried a search for the word”recipe“. There were 20,400,000 searches last month ! Just imagine what will happen to that number during the holidays.
That is great news for all of us. There is plenty of opportunity for us to jump in and get in on the action in the foodie world. Of course we have to narrow down what we want to target, but if you have a specialty, and almost all of us do, you can start a blog today, and start making a few extra dollars. People are finding success everyday doing just that.
If starting a blog is a little baffling to you, to say nothing about actually making money with a blog, I would like to give you a quick recommendation. Nicole Dean has an ebook that teaches you how to start a Recipe Blog.It is called “How to Start a Recipe Blog for Profit and Fun”. In it she can
teach you everything you need to know about starting a money making business by blogging about cooking, recipes & food.
This ebook has a lot of good information that will get you started in the right direction. Here is a direct link to the page where you can purchase this helpful resource: It is a very inexpensive way to help you get your food blog up and running in short order.
What you might blog about……
Blogging is the rage today. It is a way to share the information you have on any given topic. In the case of food, you can simply talk about new recipes you have tried, or a new technique you have developed to make a cooking task easier, or shortcuts to save time, the possibilities are endless.
If you are far more comfortable using an oven than a computer, you don’t have to worry. To learn more about blogging in general I recommend Kelly McCausey’s Smart Blogging Skills. She is able to take the mystery out of how to successfully blog, and she gives you lots of pertinent information about how to create success blogging.
She covers everything from how to start blogging, to driving traffic and developing your online reputation. There is also a lot of information on Social Media. It is an awesome and thorough course. It has really helped me understand the process and get a good solid start in the blogging world.
She breaks her course into ten lessons that you have the option to purchase individually or the entire package. When you have completed this course, you are well on your way to blogging success.
I will warn you that this is an intensive course, and the dedication to working through each lesson is well worth the effort. You can find out all the details by checking out this link:
If you are like me, my knowledge base about technology is in it’s infancy stage. I don’t have the skills to do graphic design, website development, and all that other techie stuff that goes into a website.
That can be a roadblock for some people. I am here to tell you it does not have to be.I have found a company that prides themselves in customer service, and rightly so. In today’s marketplace of outsourcing overseas to a guy named Joe who barely speaks English, it is refreshing to find companies who are based right here in the USA and those friendly folks speak good old plain English.
I do mean down to earth, non techie, understandable English. If you want to hire someone to make you a beautiful website, I highly recommend They will cheerfully answer all your tech questions, and get you up and running without a glitch.
You can find them here:
I have worked with them, and have been totally happy with the results. I had all my questions answered, and they helped me redesign my website to fit my needs.
I love the idea of learning how to do the technology things myself. Since I have not had any formal computer training, it does present quite a challenge for me. When I started using WordPress, I have to admit that I was pretty confused. I did not know how to use it, and at times I was frustrated.
Then I was introduced to Lynette Chandler. If you like the idea of being a real Do It Yourselfer with setting up a blog, I recommend Lynette Chandler’s “Blogging Starter Pack” . She has created 55 videos that clearly walk you through how to understand and use WordPress.
In her video series she:
- walks through every aspect from buying a domain, purchasing web hosting, familiarizing with cpanel, installing, backup, editing themes, managing users and a ton more.
You can find help for:
- walking through every aspect from buying a domain
- purchasing web hosting
- familiarizing with cpanel,
- installing, backup, editing themes
- , managing users and a ton more.
It is truly my favorite WordPress tool. I sure wish I had known about this before I spent so much time struggling with “WordPress for Dummies”.
As you can see, I am convinced that blogging is the simplest and least expensive way to start tipping your toe into the world of making money using you love of baking.
It requires so little investment. The first thing you need is a name that is related to your topic (domain name). You can purchase that for about $12. Then you will need a place to host your website, and that can cost as little as $6-7 a month.
In the past I have hosted my websites various hosting sites. When I had a problem, I would call their tech line and talk to people who spoke confusing tech language that I had a a hard time understanding.
In addition to that, sometimes the person on the other end of the line was on the other side of the world, and I simply struggled to understand what they were saying at all. All that changed when a friend recommended that I try using MomWebs. I respected her opinion, was frustrated by past website problems, and decided to give them a try.
Just this morning I tried to go to my website, and when I typed in the address, nothing happened. I contacted MomWebs, and the problem was fixed in just a few minutes. Then I got a friendly email from Scott, their tech guy. He told me what the problem was, so I would know.
I am sort of embarrassed to admit that the problem was me, I had accidentally done something wrong when I was working on my Cpanel,. After all, I already told you my tech expertise is in it’s infancy. I really appreciate the patience of MomWebs as I learn.
If you are looking for a great hosting company, I highly recommend them. You can find them by clicking this link: