It is Time to Fire Up the Oven and Bake!
I looked at the calendar today and realized that it is almost Christmas. Oh my gosh, where did the time go. I still have shopping to finish, and I have not even started my baking. Every year the time slips away faster, and every year I say I will be better prepared next year.
Well, I pulled out the recipe box, and lined up all the recipes that I only make once a year. Each kid has a favorite cookie that they can choose, so you can see why I get a little panicked about this time each year, but thank goodness that I have a commercial kitchen. ( I baked 300+ cookies this morning for an event at church tonight, and it only took a couple of hours. Well, speaking of events, I have to run and get ready.
Here is the families favorite recipe for Christmas Sugar Cut Out Cookies
Have fun decorating your cookies. I’ll share another recipe soon.