Cottage Laws Make It Possible to Make Money Baking at Home

Home based business opportunities all bakers should know about.

If you love to bake and have dreamed of the possibility of actually making money doing just that, there is great news. Cottage laws are sweeping the county. They allow you to bake in your own kitchen without the huge investment of a retail commercial kitchen. It is finally happening, we are going full circle, and these laws are making it possible to return to days gone by when you could make a little income selling bread, cakes, cookies etc to your neighbor who does not have time or the inclination to bake.

This is great news for those of us who love to bake. I am especially happy. I know what potential income my Cinnamon Roll Fundraising program offers. Now more people can get started without all the hassle of finding a kitchen you can bake in. The Cottage Laws now make it so much easier to earn the income your family needs. For many years, it simply was not legal to make and sell things you bake in your own kitchen. 

Sustainable Living is On the Rise

Across the country, there is a huge sustainable living movement taking place. You have probably heard of it. More and more people are becoming aware of the affect that  additives, preservatives, and food modifications have on their health. Just the mention of homemade bread will make people hungry. There is a growing desire for real food, not commercially manufactured.

Basically. Cottage Food laws allow people to make certain foods in their own home kitchen and sell them on a small scale to the end user. You probably won’t be able to sell your product to the grocery store, but you could sell at a local Farmers Market or directly to people who want to buy what you make. This is a win-win scenario. Not only is it more feasible for you to start a small baking business, the consumers will have better  access to a variey of home cooked or artisan foods produced locally.

The laws only allow ““non-potentially hazardous foods”. In most states that includes,  baked goods such as cakes, cookies, pies, breads and most candies, but usually exclude anything with uncooked dairy (such as cream and custard fillings) and meat. Most allow jams and jellies. 

I found a great video produced by the Arizona Department of Health Services that does a great job of explaining what the Cottage Laws make possible.


I am really excited about these laws and intend to spend time investigating what is happening state by state. For now, here is a link to a Summary of Cottage Food Laws  done by Sustaninable Economies Law Center. You can get involved too. Find out if there are petitions out there to encourage your legislators to pass Cottage Food Laws in your state. 

I decided that I am going to continue the free coacing call, because I want to help as many of you as possible to start making money baking. Please sign up for the free webinars and we can brainstorm about making your baking business become a reality.With the passage of Cottage Food Laws, it is entirely possible you can get up and running soon.

Foods allowed to be produce under Cottage Food Laws

I am including information from the Sustainable Economies Law Center that gives examples of the types of food that may be allowed to be produced in a home kitchen.

Cottage Food Laws typically allow only foods that are often classified as “non-potentially hazardous foods” in state and federal laws. While the specific foods that are allowed or not allowed in each state vary somewhat, this list below includes most foods that are allowed under cottage food laws in at least some states:

o      baked goods (but with no cream, custard or meat fillings)

o      jams and jellies and other preserves with a pH of 4.6 or less

o      granola and other dry cereal

o      popcorn

o      waffle cones and pizzelles

o      nut mixes

o      chocolate covered non-perishables (such as nuts and dried fruit) and other candy

o      roasted coffee

o      dry baking mixes

o      herb blends

o      dried tea

o      dried fruit

o      honey

o      rice cakes

o      rice noodles

o      dried pasta

o     vegetarian empanadas

o     mole paste

o     vinegar


This is really an exciting thing. I would love to hear your thoughts. To do that, simply click on the “Comments” int the upper right hand corner of this post.


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