Changing the World-One Cinnamon Roll at a Time!

Arrogant Claim-You Decide.

You may have read the title of this blog today and thought that I might be a little out of touch with reality. Changing the world through cinnamon rolls may seem to be an exaggeration.

If you watched the video from my first class, I hope you were able to detect the enthusiasm in their voices. Sure, they were excited with the fact that they had just made over 100 pans of cinnamon rolls in just a day.

What you may not know is that they have already been working with a school group that is raising money to do a mission trip to Guatemala next summer. They will  build stoves in people’s homes, to greatly improve the quality of their lives.

They are also in the process of helping a church raise needed funds. The best part is they have only been working on this business for less than three weeks. I get so excited to imagine how much their efforts will impact the world down the road.

It inspires me to expand the effort, to train more stay at home moms who want to work part time, generate money for their family, and make an impact on the world around them. If this sounds interesting to you, please contact me via Google voice, sign up for my newsletter,or simply leave a comment to this blog.

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