Not a Baker? Cottage Food Laws Open the Door for Other Products from Your Kitchen to Grow Your Bank Account.

I have talked a lot about baking for money, but there are other products that will help you raise some dough under cottage food laws. Of course it depends on which state you live in, but allowable products go beyond baked goods that don’t require refrigeration.

If you don’t have your grandma’s famous cookie or cake recipe, no worries, there are plenty of other products to choose from. For example, you might consider one of these: dry goods like baking mixes, soup mixes, dried herbs, coffee, tea, spices seasonings, pasta, or cereal.

But wait, there is more: granola, popcorn, trail mixes, pretzels, dried fruit, Homemade Salsahealth bars, nuts/seeds, crackers. Maybe pastries are your specialty,  fruit pies, fruit tarts, fruit empanadas, or cones.

If none of the above falls in your niche, how about jams, jellies, fruit butters, marmalades, pickles or salsa? As you can see, as the cottage food laws (or even better the food freedom laws) expand, there are more opportunities opening up all the time, you just need to keep in touch with your states laws as they evolve. 

Stay tuned and check back soon. I am going to tell you about some success stories of people who are doing well selling healthy delicious home made  family favorites.

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