Mary Eileen Williams Interviews Dough Raising Mom

Baby Boomer Entrepreneurs

Keyword Research Helps Raise Dough (Make Money)
Bake & Serve

I had the pleasure of being interviewed today by Mary Eileen Williams . I had a blast We had a great time talking about women over fifty who want to earn part time income. Hitting fifty opens up a whole new chapter in our lives, and women all over the US are embracing their age and the exciting opportunities that go along with it.

Mary Eileen has a really entertaining blog that I would like to encourage everyone to go and check out. She has great information for anyone over fifty about careers and life after fifty. Here is a small sample of what you will find on her site:

“The Feisty Side of Fifty,™ the site that celebrates a truly remarkable generation of women. We first-wave baby boomers, now fifty plus but nowhere near matronly, are rockin’ on and still flaunting our famously bodacious style and spirit”

Mary Eileen will keep you laughing while she offers great information on careers, fashion, and so much more. She also hosts Feisty Side of Fifty Radio. I would encourage you all to check out her show.

In addition to her radio show, she has drawn on her vast experience in HR and written a book. “10 Surefire Strategies for Jobseekers over 50”. You can find it on her website or Amazon.

Baby boomers have a chance to use all their life experience to craft a business that gives them freedom, as well as the opportunity to follow their passions. To listen to the show, simply click on the link below.

In addition to her radio show, she has drawn on her vast experience in HR and written a book. “10 Surefire Strategies for Jobseekers over 50”. You can use my affiliate link, find it on her website or Amazon. It gives great advice if you are in the market for your next meaningful job.

Please be sure to check out her blog. If you enjoyed the show, please feel free to share the link.

Niche-What is That & Why Should You Find It

Keyword research is like using a microscope to get clear focus when zeroing in on a niche.

Get Your Niche in Focus

“Find your Niche” is one of the first pieces of advice anyone who is interested in working online will hear. If you are like me, that was a foreign term. Depending on the expert you are listening to, it even has a different pronunciation! Now I could give you the official definition of the word, but I will just use simple terms instead. A really rudimentary definition would be getting focused.

Basically, it is narrowing down a broad share of the market into a much more specific segment. Lets face it, most of us are not ready to be the next Walmart. We won’t be offering every product & service to everyone on the planet. Look at it this way. If your lawn maintenance guy tells you he can advise you about investing, how much faith would you put in his recommendations.?  If instead he told you what weed and feed product to use, and when to apply it, you would buy with confidence. That is because in your mind, he has established himself as an expert on lawn care, not financial advice.

Finding your niche makes it easier to be the expert.

It is far easier to gain expertise in one topic than in many. In this arena, claiming to be a “jack of all trades” will not be the best choice. For many of us, the word expertise is a stumbling block. We are too modest to claim to be an expert. Well folks, please excuse my bluntness, but get over it.

None of us have lived this long to not learned a thing or two along the way. I totally identify with any of you that feel like you are not an authority on anything. When I first started the process, it was really depressing. I took a class to find out what I wanted to be when I grew up. I had owned my catering company for ten years, yet it was hard for me to say out loud that I was a pretty good baker.

I had to work to overcome that lack of confidence. When I did cinnamon roll sales for non profits, I got rave reviews all the time. I even became known as “the cinnamon roll lady”. I had to give myself permission to believe what others said.I developed my class for people who would like to earn money making cinnamon rolls for non profits. I love teaching that class. I know how to teach people who have no experience because I know how it feels to not have a clue.

As you can see, getting the word out about the class is critical, and as a result I had to learn a lot about niches, websites, blogging, SEO, keyword research and so much more.In the beginning I felt so confused. The great news is that as I learned new skills, I found out I love  working with the computer and blogging.I want to share what I have learned in the last two years.

I do claim expertise as a baker. But in the process of building this website and digging into blogging and affiliate marketing,I have learned a lot. I sleep in until 4:00am these days, but then I get out of bed, make my coffee, and fire up my computer. I have a blast learning these things.

You know what, I was really excited when one of my mentors said her all time favorite way to make money online is to learn something really well, and then share your knowledge with others. When you do that, you know what it is like to be in the shoes of your target market, and you are really familiar of what others are needing & wanting out of that niche.If you identify with where I started and are stuck questioning your expert status that is great news. Go find a niche you would love to learn about and get busy.

To find out more information about how start identifying great niches, check out my blog about keyword research.

Baking for Money, Is it Possible?

You may be wondering, just how did I get started? I have to admit, although I loved the thought of baking for people and getting paid for it, the actual process of running a business  was beyond my expertise.

Initially, although I had secretly dreamed about taking my skills at baking and starting a business, I had not seriously given it a lot of thought until a friend that I worked with part time in a catering company  asked if I had ever considered starting a business featuring my baked goods. [Read more…]

Keyword Research is Just the First Step-How Do You Decide Your Best Niche?

Use a Keyword Tool to Find a Niche

Cash in on the Right Niche Using Great Keywords

Feed Your Brain=Earn Income.

Research Helps Identify Great Niches

When you are trying to decide if a niche you are interested in has potential, researching keywords can provide a lot of insight about the level of interest there is in that topic. The Google Keyword tool is one of many that can tell you how many searches there have been made in the last month for particular search terms and phrases. It is tremendously helpful to spend the time to put together a list of keywords that you can use to optimize your blog and website. Once you have compiled a list of keywords, you can put those keywords into an excel or spreadsheet to refer to each time you write a post or create a new page for your site.

You can start by listing your interests, experience, passions and things you are willing to learn about. In the following video, I will walk you through the steps on how to use the Google Adsense tool to do keyword research to determine how many people are searching for information, products, & services about those topics. Please be patient, the video starts a little after the audio.

As you can see, there is a lot of information provided by researching keywords. Identifying the words that people type into the search engines and then using those words in the content you put on your website can put you ahead of your competition and make it possible for the search engines to find your website.When the search engines find your website, your traffic will increase dramatically. Now that you have an idea of how to begin researching the various niches you are interested in, spend some time exploring the possibilities and have fun.

Why Should You Do Keyword Research?

Keyword Research Helps Raise Dough (Make Money)Keyword Research is Critical to Making Money with Your Website…

That said, what is keyword research and how do you do it? If you have built a website for your business, getting targeted traffic is critical. If no one ever finds your site, how will you ever generate money with it? I have  learned learned that  one of the first things you need to find out is what are the words people are typing in the search engines to find information or products they are interested in. Once you know the specific words or phrases, you can use them on your site and then the search engines can direct traffic to your site.

I made this short video for you, to help simplify the process of doing the research, and to demonstrate how important it can be to the success of your website. Keep in mind that everyone has different ideas of which words to use when trying to find information. Keyword research will show you the actual terms people are tying in the search box when wanting information and services. Please allow a couple of seconds for the video to show up. For some reason the audio starts first.

We have all heard the saying “choose your words wisely” but in the case of your blog and website, it takes on a whole new meaning. Before you write your content, go do the keyword research that will bring the targeted traffic to your site. Doing that purposefully will jumpstart your business and be a step in the right direction to success online. Check out my blog about other free tools you can use.

Work At Home – Is it Legit?

A Work at Home Mom

Is a Home Business Right for You?

If you want to work at home, you are not alone. One million five hundred thousand searches were made last month alone for the keywords “work at home”. In addition to that, an additional eight
hundred thousand searched for the keywords “home business”.

Late night TV infomercials promise their audiences work from home opportunities that will allow them to make millions while they sleep, and there must be a lot of suckers, or there would not be so many of those scammers out there.

The truth of the matter is that almost all businesses  take time to get up and running, and having a plan and lots of persistence are crucial to success. I wish there was some magic formula that could speed up the process and guaranty instant success. One my favorite stories is the one about the turtle and the hare. It gives me hope that slow and steady will win the race. I don’t know about you, but the slow part as far as the learning curve sure describes me.

I think that in some ways, starting a home based business is like dumping out a huge jig saw puzzle on the table and trying to start to put it together. I hate puzzles, but I do know that a good strategy is to start finding the outside pieces. They are easy to find, they all have at least one straight edge. That narrows it down to a more manageable task.

In business some experts suggest you going after the “low hanging fruit”. Start with the easy steps, there is plenty of time to work your way up to the more complicated ones as you grow your business. Last fall, I talked about starting to build a good foundation. It is gathering the straight edged pieces so that you can begin to put the puzzle together.

My goal here is to help you find those pieces so that you can begin to see the bigger picture. For example sake, I will use my cinnamon roll class. If you were someone who took the class, you would leave with all the knowledge you “knead” to make cinnamon rolls, start your business, do the marketing etc.

To actually start your business however, you would have to take some steps outlined in the class. I think the one most people are afraid to take is going after the first sale, no matter what business you are in. Cold calling is  tough, and can be the death of a new business. Hearing “no” repeatedly is likely to cause doubt about your product or service, and in many cases is enough to convince people that there is no market, or that they can’t compete in it.

In the case of my students, I recommend they go after a sale they feel pretty sure they can get. If they have kids, friends, or relatives that are connected to a non profit that needs to raise money, that is a place for them to start. We have all heard the saying “it’s not what you know but WHO you know that counts. ” That really rings true in business.

You need to figure out where that easy sale is for your business. Don’t start by approaching the potential sale of the century. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Take baby steps, use your connections to get to your first victory. That will start building your confidence for the next sale, and help condition you for the inevitable “no” in the future.

If you are still struggling with trying to find a home business idea, I want to invite you to check out my class to make money baking. It is designed to provide part time work from home, and will be a great fit for some of you. I assure you prior baking experience is not required, I can teach you that.

Homemade Pizza Recipes-Review of “Thursday Night Pizza”

Pizza Dough Recipes & More

If you want to learn how to make homemade pizza, what toppings to use, or simply wanting a dough recipe, this is a must have book.

I got the book “Thursday Night Pizza” by Fr. Dominic Garramone, O.S.B. You may know him from his series, “Breaking Bread” on PBS. This book is not only filled with recipes that make
me want to delight my family with one of these recipes several times a week, it is just fun to read.

The book  gives you a peek into his kitchen at the St. Bede Abbey. You can almost smell the aroma of fresh homemade pizza, laden with a selection of pizza toppings most of us would not have thought of.

Homemade Recipes Include:

  1. Denver Dinner- you will find all the ingredients form a Denver omelet, including the eggs!
  2. Italian Beef
  3. Broccoli Chicken

Pizza Dough Recipes

  1. Basic American-Style  Crust
  2. Italian-Style  Crust
  3. Sweet Crust

Pizza Sauce Recipes

  1. 8 Minute  Sauce
  2. Basil Pesto
  3. Parmesan Cream Sauce

I know that homemade pizza has been a family favorite for years. The dough recipes in this book set the stage for amazing sauces and toppings. If you have been wanting to learn how to make pizza dough, you will not only learn the best techniques, but his recommended tools to get the best results. This book is fun to read, and I know that when I make pizza I will be using some of the great recipes Fr. Dominic shares in his book. I don’t know about you, but I am putting pizza on the menu this week!

His book is available on Amazon, simply click on the link, and your family can be enjoying homemade pizza too. (I want you to know that this is an affiliate link, and by using it you will bless my family a little,don’t worry though, it won’t cost you more). Otherwise you can simply go to If you get the book, please let all of us know what you  think.

More Dinner Ideas for Easy Meals-Week # 5

Dinner Ideas #5

Wow, I can’t believe that we are on the fifth week of menus for easy meals! If you are new to my site you can find more dinner ideas from previous menus as well as a lot of recipes for some of the entrees. Here are my ideas for the constant challenge of what to make for dinner.


Chicken Rice Casserole
Green Beans with Slivered Almonds
Caesar Salad
Oatmeal Cookies

Start your week off on the right foot.


Pot Roast
Potatoes & Carrots
Spinach & Mushroom Salad
Ice Cream

Super Easy and Fast Meal to Prepare- put in crock pot and dinner is ready when you get home.

Chow Mein
Chow Mein Noodles
Ramen Noodle Salad
Fortune Cookie

Dinner recipes from different cultures adds variety to family meals.

Spinach Pesto Pizza
Tossed Green Salad
Red Raspberry Cake

This recipe is from Father Dominic’s book, “Thursday Night Pizza”. See the review of his great recipe book!

Three Bean Salad

Another week of Dinner Ideas for Easy Meals on the book. Please feel free to share your recipes. I would love to hear from you.

Dinner Ideas for Easy Meals

My-dinner-ideas-easy-mealsDinner Ideas For Easy


What to make for dinner is made easier when you plan ahead. I can’t believe that a month has passed since I told you here that I would share my menu plans and some recipes with you to hopefully save you some time. I know that I need all the time I can find. Speaking of time, I just looked at the clock and realized that in an hour I have to leave my daughters basketball game! So, here you are, hope it gives you some new ideas for dinner.


Curried Chicken
Squash Casserole
Steamed Rice

Ramen Noodle Salad
Vanilla Pudding

This is a bit spicy, but so tasty.


Grilled Tuna with Peppers & Tomatoes
Steamed Broccoli & Cheese
Tossed Green Salad
Sugar Cookies

Couscous is a great alternative for Rice.


Three Hour  Stew
Baking Powder Biscuits
Spinach Salad
Rice Pudding

I just throw that in the crock pot.


Sloppy Joes
Baked beans
Cole Slaw
Ice Cream

I am always winding down by Thursday, so something super easy great


Tossed Green Salad
Bread Sticks

So, there you have it, some dinner ideas for easy meals. I have a great surprise for you, next week I am going to do a book review and I will tell you all about it tomorrow….check back to read all about it. I will post the recipes in the recipe section.