Keyword Research Tool I Love

Keyword Research Made Fun!

I wrote about some tools that you can use to find keywords for you to use in your blog to help drive traffic to it. Today I want to show you another tool you can use to find even more keywords. This is so fun to use, and it gives me so many ideas I may not have thought of otherwise. It is sort of like a brainstorming session with a friend, in this case, the friends name is Google. Watch this short video to see how easy it is to get started.

Go and have fun, try it out.Please let me know what you think, and lets share our fun stories.

Quick & Easy Dinner Menu- Recipe for Meatloaf

Dinner menu for week three

Dinners that are quick & easy are something am always interested in. It seems that time just evaporates, and there are never enough hours in the day.

Solving the what to have for dinner question makes my life easier, and I hope it is helping do same for you. I have been taking a good look at the cookbooks that spend most of the year just sitting on my shelf, and it has been kind of fun to give me some new ideas so that I don’t just repeat the same ten dinners over and over. Here are some of the fun ideas I found this week.


Steak Soup
Italian Bread
Tossed Salad
Chocolate Almond Velvet

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Another Free Tool to Build Your Business

Start Building Your Business For Free

I don’t know about you, but if I can get a good deal on

a good product, I jump on it. As I have taken tons of

classes on business, I have been amazed at what is

available for free. It makes sense though, because if

your read my last post about the power of the bloggers,

good businesses are realizing that happy customers are the

lifeblood of their business. Everyone appreciates it when

someone helps them, and when you offer free help, even better. That

creates good relationships, you don’t hesitate to do business with

someone who has given you stuff, as a matter of fact, you will look

for opportunities to do business with them. I know I do. [Read more…]

Mommy Bloggers Are a Threat to Our Economy!

danger! danger!

Are Bloggers Driving Business Over the Cliff?

Social Media has changed the entire scene of doing business in the world.The silent majority who just went about their daily lives, now have more power than ever before, and they are using it!
Red Alert, the mommy bloggers have entered the building, and they are proving that they have a lot of influence!

So exactly what does that have to do with you and me? The fact of the matter is that each and every one of us makes buying decisions many times every day. In the “old” days, you remember way back in, let’s say, the nineties, if you bought a product from X company and it stunk, you could take it back to the store and you might be able to get a refund. There was no consideration given to your inconvenience, travel and time expense .You considered yourself lucky to get that refund. The X company was only out one sale, no big deal.

That was then. Now you can return the item to the store and maybe get a refund. Regardless, you are at least a little ticked off, and disappointed that the product did not live up to your expectations. As you walk out of the store, you pull out your phone and send out a tweet twitter_icon13 revisitedthat company X has a crummy product. Now the whole world can read about it.

At first glance that might not seem like such a big deal. Well, we have all heard of the Domino’s fiasco. If you haven’t heard of that, in a nutshell, some disgruntled employees posted an unfavorable video on YouTube,  Domino’s were not up to speed with Social Media, it cost them a bunch. Had they been in the loop, they could have jumped right in and responded, and it might have been a very interesting thing to watch.

My point here is that today we all have a voice that can be heard. Even if you are too shy to confront a company personally, now you can at least write a review on your blog. If you are a smart business owner, you will pay attention to that.

We are reverting in a big way back to “word of mouth” advertising. The era of customer ” no service” is quickly coming to an end. If you have a small business, you have a great opportunity. Pay attention to your customers, give them “red carpet” treatment. Listen to what they are saying, good and bad. Respond to each comment that is made.

That sounds like a tall order. The good news is that there are ways to put the proverbial ear to the ground and stay in the loop of what others are saying about you. The better news is that it won’t have to cost you anything. Yes, I do mean free. It is easy, get Google alerts. All you have to do then is follow the directions to set an alert for your name and have it sent to your email. While you are at it, let Google alerts help you keep your finger on the pulse of your market. Simply use the keywords that represent your business. You can sign up for Google Alerts here.

I am going to head over there and set up more alerts for myself and my business. Do you have a favorite tool that you use in your business. I would love to hear about it. Please leave a comment and we can talk about it.

photo credit: mararie
Creative Commons License photo credit: marek.sotak

Dinner Menu’s for the Week

Where this this week go? Can you believe that it is almost the middle of January? Wasn’t it just Christmas, it is mind boggling to me. Well, enough chit chat, did the menu from last week make you week any easier?

I have to tell you the truth. I did not follow my plan entirely. Most of my kids were out of the house on Friday, so I did not bother with pizza, we just ate left overs. My kids main feedback was that a couple of days I did not make enough. Let me tell you, that does not happen very often.

At our house, left overs are a steady source of our menu’s. In fact, some of my children are convinced that I collect all the neighbors left overs because they are sure we have never had that before. Little do they know what a few spices and additions can do to reuse a meal. Well, here is the menu for nest week, some of our regular meals  with a few new recipes thrown in for fun.

Green Chili Chicken
Tortilla Chips
Spinach Salad
Vanilla Pudding

Lunch at Amigos with the Indian gang!
Creative Commons License photo credit: InaFrenzy

[Read more…]

Affiliate Marketing Is Another Way to Feed Your Family

Feed Your Brain=Earn Income.

“Food For Thought”

Affiliate Marketing 101. I sure wish that had been on the course list when I was in school. I would have paid way more attention than I did in some of my classes. If you have read much of what I have been doing, you probably know that I spend a lot of time learning. I just wish I had learned this much in college. As a matter of fact, I wonder how many credit hours I would have earned by now, hmmm.

I have been really interested in learning about all the buzz surrounding affiliate marketing. If you read my post the other day, I tried to explain how it works. I was reminded about how prevalent it is this morning at church when I bought my “Script” cards for all my grocery shopping for the next couple of weeks.
[Read more…]

Dinner Made Quick & Easy-Menu Ideas #1

I feel like a coach at the starting line….

Okay team, I have all the dinner “plays” here on my play board, so lets take a look and get started. The goal is quick and easy dinners, organized recipes, and instead of points we get more time!

More time to spend enjoying our family, more time to spend growing our respective businesses. Time to learn and improve our skills, who knows, maybe time to just have a nap!

I am going to include menus for the week in this post. It will get really long to include all the entree recipes in this single post, so they will follow in additional posts. I will use clickable recipe cards so you can print them out and put them in a book if you want. Okay, let’s not waste any time, get on your mark, set, go.

Corn Crusted Chicken
Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Broccoli
Tossed Salad w/Grape Tomatoes & Shredded Carrots

I will include a dessert, that way you will have access to more recipes, but at our house, I seldom serve dessert. No, it is not that my family does not eat sweets, my boys bake cookies at will (more about that later), we just are not in the habit of regular dessert. [Read more…]

Dinner Recipes That Are Quick & Easy

every friday will now become the food dayDinner Ideas for Quick Meals

I need fast and easy dinner recipes that will let me make quick dinners. At my house, time absolutely flies. I get all the kids out the door to their respective schools and it feels like I have so much time. In my mind I should be able to accomplish everything on my “to do” list and so much more. After all, I have almost eight hours all to myself.
I don’t want to brag, but I work in high gear most of the time.

As a matter of fact, I frequently get up before 5:00 AM just to get an early start. It is a real mystery to me how  4:00PM arrives so fast, and suddenly I have to ask myself the dreaded question-what do I make for dinner that is fast and easy? Can any of you identify with that? I know that it sounds funny coming from someone who owned a catering company for ten years. Hey, have you ever heard about the cobblers children?

First of all, after all the hours I have spent in the kitchen, I am always on the lookout for time savers and shortcuts. To be honest, the biggest time saver is to have a plan, yeah, the M word. Menus remind me of budgets, sort of a pain to do, but makes a world of difference in real life.

I have been working on the menus and I will share the first weeks plan soon, but first I want to tell you what I have been doing . Every day I made a different meal, but I prepared twice as much as usual, and froze half. It only takes a little extra time to make a bigger batch, but the great thing is that I now have a weeks worth of meals ready to go. Well, to be more accurate, I have a weeks worth of entrees. I figure the veggies and startches I will leave for later. To be really honest, I am really liking this plan.

Having a menu prepared will cut down on the shopping time, and making two meals at once is like winning the lottery of dinner prep! Hopefully that will free up a bunch of time for other things, like work and play! I hope that you will like this as much as I am going to. Please leave your comments and suggestions. If we all contribute, this will be a really great tool for all of us! Hopefully I can post the first weeks menu by Saturday.

Creative Commons License photo credit: philcampbell

Learn to Make Money in 2011

“Show Me the Money”

I know, there are lots of things that are so much more important than money, but that discussion is for another day. Yesterday I promised to help you (and me) squeeze out a little extra time by planning meals. I will have the first weeks menus ready in a couple of days.

So now that we have a little extra time, how can we use it to bring in the cash. I personally have spent a lot of time reading, listening to podcasts, watching webinars and more. One of the things that I keep learning more about is affiliate marketing.

Oh I know, there are a lot of scammers out there that promise millions but just take your money and leave you with empty promises. That was my initial thought too. But then I looked more closely. Over a year ago, my daughter added a link for a book she recommended for her clients on her professional website. It was an affiliate link to Amazon.

Now, if one of her customers clicked on that link and bought the book, she earned a small commission. Pretty cool, she simply made it easy for her client to purchase the book, and she earned a little commission from Amazon. It gets even better though, if that client clicks on her link to look at the book she recommends and then does other shopping while they are there without leaving the website, she earns a commission on the entire sale when they check out! Wow.

My daughter does not consider herself a salesperson, however when she mentioned that she had signed up with Amazon, I used her link to connect to Amazon and do all my Christmas shopping. She was pleasantly surprised when she saw her PayPal account the next month.Needless to say, in 2010, she made a point to share her link with family and friends who would be shopping on Amazon anyway. They did not pay a penny more to shop, Amazon simply shared some of their profit for the referral.

Our school has various fund raising programs (yes, cinnamon roll sales are one).  They sell SCRIPT cards also. Those are cards offered by the local and national retailers that are sold by the school. For example I buy a SCRIPT card for my favorite grocery store for $100. I use it to purchase $100 worth of groceries. I do not pay any extra for those groceries, but that store pays the school a commission for referring a customer to them.

Those examples are both great examples of affiliate marketing. It is what in the good old days was called “word of mouth” advertising. It used to be more localized, but the internet has changed all that. Now, you can recommend a product you really love and believe in  to others through social media,twitter_icon13 revisitedblogs, websites etc, provide a clickable link  with your affiliate id. When they click the link, it takes them to a page with information about a product. They can decide yeah or nay, with no sales pressure.

If they purchase, they will pay no more for the product, the merchant pays the commission. Sometimes those affiliate links can even make the purchase cheaper because sometimes the merchant will provide their affiliates with a special code that gives the customer a discount.

Now I never have had a great love of selling. When I had my catering company I had to learn how to do sales and marketing. It was never my favorite part of the business. I liked the baking the best, but as I got to know my customers, I learned to love interacting with them and learning what they needed that I could help them with.

As I learn more about affiliate marketing, I can see how I can “shop” for good deals on products and services, and when I find something I personally love, I can recommend it to my friends. Even if you hate to sell, once you understand the concept of affiliate marketing, I believe anyone can do it.

I have found some people I have really gained a lot of respect for in the affiliate marketing world. Recently, one of them told me about an online conference they are having to teach affiliate marketing at all levels. I am attending, so I wanted to tell you about it too. You can go and check it out for yourself. If it sounds like something you are interested in, I even have a code to get you a discount. It is: UnderTheWire.

Check it out for yourself. you can get  the information here If you decide that is something you are interested in maybe we can chat there. You have to hurry though because the conference is 1/14-16/11. By the way, that link is my affiliate link and if you choose to use it you will be a blessing to my family, but if this is not a good fit for you, no worries.

I would love to hear your thoughts, so please leave comments and we can chat about it. By  the way, don’t forget to check back for the menu for next week and we will all start the new year out right.

Creative Commons License photo credit: marek.sotak

What Does Dinner Have to Do with Making Money?

I Bet You Want An Answer to That Question!

First of all, Happy New Year! I know that I sort of fell off the radar for the past week or so, but now I have so much to share with all of you.

Christmas was a blast, we had all the kids home, feasted, played games, and just spent quality time together. I hope your was equally as good.

I wrote a check this morning and had the first experience of writing 2011. It hit me  that it is time to set the agenda for the year, and one of the top of the list priorities is to build my business. I imagine many of you can relate to that. Oh sure, I have to lose those pesky pounds that arrived with all the Holiday goodies, but that’s managable.

I was thinking what one key thing would help me accomplish that priority. The best answer I came up with is to add a few hours to the day. If only I could do that, people would be knocking down my door to discover my secret.

I have often thought that if I did not have to waste time sleeping and eating, I would have so much more time in my day. Unfortunately, I enjoy both of those things, so forget that idea. I don’t know if maybe all the traveling I did over the holidays affected my brain, but I couldn’t get that thought out of my head.

Then it hit me, sleeping is non negotiable, but eating offers some real possibilities. I don’t know about you, but a dreaded question I face daily is what to fix for dinner. In the past I have vowed to plan a menu and follow it, but that usually does not last long.

It isn’t that it does not work, somehow I just get distracted and then go back to the “oh no, it’s 4:00pm, what should I fix for supper”. I have to tell you that hamburger has become the default entree in our house because it is flexible and fast.

Then it dawned on me how I could remedy that problem for myself, and you too. If I would commit publicly to planning and sharing my menu, I would have to do it, no excuses. So, here is my idea. I will plan a weekly menu and post it for all of you. I will even share the recipes, and that will be a trick since I am sort of  a pinch of this sort of gal. Who knows, I may even throw in some of the commentary from our dinner table. I have to tell you, my kids are a tough audience.

To answer the question from the title, if we plan our work and work our plan ie make a dinner menu and follow it, we can all save a considerable amount of time, therefore devote more effort to growing our businesses. I will run now and get busy on that menu. Let me know what you think, hey, if you have menu ideas or recipes you would love to share with us, I’d love to hear from you!