What Matters Most?

The Answer to that Question has been debated for centuries!

If we are honest, the answer varies by the hour. For instance, I have been sick for the last week, and at this very moment, I am writing this in the middle of the night. I am an early riser, but this last week I have been a drug induced night owl. My answer at this minute to that question would be SLEEP!

Honestly, although I can not tell you that I have really enjoyed the graveyard shift, it has led me to some eye opening self introspection. I realized that one thing that  matters to me is that I want my efforts to actually count.

Lets face it, nobody wants to spend valuable time on things that have no value to anyone. Sure, doing laundry may feel like that at times, but that is not what I am talking about.

What I am referring to is spending efforts on a project that can make positive changes in someone’s life. Things like taking time to help stock your churches food pantry, helping a child living in poverty learn to read, helping a single mom learn skills to get a better job, you get the drift.

We all know that, but so few of us actually do it. We all lead busy lives, and finding time is a daily struggle. At the end of the day, many of us feel frustrated that although tasks have been accomplished, we don’t truly feel like we made a difference.

I have dreamed of the day when I could just go out and spend time helping others in a way that truly would make a difference in their lives. I bet you have too. I have a million excuses why I haven’t done that already.

During the long nights of the past week, I think I have come up with a solution to solve the problem. I just read a great ebook by Susan Scott, “Fashioning Your Best Year Ever”.

In her book, she has great suggestions for finding your priorities, setting them, and then implementing. One thing she said that struck me was:

If you aren’t committed to working toward your goals, someone will come along with the things they want you to do. They will have plenty of ideas of what you should be doing. However good those activities might be, if they don’t move you closer to the goals and dreams that are a part of your life purpose, they are not the best thing for you to be doing.

Too many times I have been guilty of letting others set my agenda to achieve their goals, and that has delegated the things that are important to me, to second place. My priorities are part of God’s plan for my life, I need to assist others with their goals, but not let their goals overshadow what I NEED to do in my life.

What am I going to do about it?

    Set one priority of my OWN for each week.
    Break my month into weeks, each with a small actionable list of goals that I can reasonably accomplish.
    Set goals, large and small, and write them down
    List what needs to be done to get to the goals
    Discover where I get the information I need to develop whatever skill I need to meet that goal

So what are you going to do? Please share ideas and comments that will get all of us closer to doing things that matter.

Work Hard and Pray

My Father was a mechanic, who worked very hard to provide for his family. As a little girl, I remember his hands permanently stained from the grease of the motors he fixed daily. The hard work took quite a tole on his body, but he held fast to his motto “Work hard and pray”

He was a successful family and business man. He supported his church throughout his life with his time, talent and treasures. He trusted God, and worked faithfully for the church and all people. He always helped someone in need.

One of the keys to dads success was that he ran an ethical business, stood behind his work, and treated his customers like gold. He was a gifted mechanic, and used his gifts well. In return, God blessed him with success.

He had it figured out, and all we have to do is read Deuteronomy 28:12

“The LORD will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to
give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of
your hand;
and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.

Thanks Dad, I will try and live up to your motto and Work Hard and Pray.

Daniel’s Story

Wow, how can it be Thursday already!

I have struggled to blog constantly and I am working on that. Maybe in a future I will be able to report that I am winning the battle with consistency.You will notice it did not make the list this week though.

I love reading the other success stories, so I will share mine with you as well.

I struggle with technology,
and have been working on a
sales page for my website for quite awhile. It is finally done and up!

It is more than just the technology struggle though, it has been an internal struggle to go out and do the sales. You see, I have spent a lot of time on my knees praying about this business, and truly feel I need to do this, yet I guess it is Satan in action sitting on my shoulder and planting the seed of doubt in me.

Moms making money in this way, not only helps the mom stay at home, but helps the youth groups they work with be empowered to help others, both things the devil would love to prevent. I need to acknowledge what I am up against here.

My teenage son Daniel reluctantly recorded a video for me.

He  was embarrassed and felt like he was sort of bragging. Listening
to the video, and hearing his true feelings brought
tears to my eyes,
and then opened them to what I have to do.
(To see the video, click on “How to Join ” in the top menu  and scroll down watch the video)

I joined a Faith Based Business group to help me focus on doing business in a faithful way.

All in all, it has been a week of positive forward movement. Thanks for reading this.

Incredible Return on $10.49 Investment

I Decided to Fight Work at Home Scams Aimed at SAHM’s

Scammers Make Me Mad.

By reading the title, you probably have figured out that I have gone around or two (or ten) with work at home scams. I am the mom of twelve, and staying home with my children is my top priority, but contributing to the family finances was also important.

I searched far and wide for a legitimate way to generate money from home, and fell victim to more than my share of scams. You know, after awhile, you get pretty darn sick of that game. I finally wised up, and took a look at what I was good at and decided to do my own thing. I could bake well, so I started my own business doing just that.

I ran my business for ten years,
but there was something missing.

You get to a stage where you try and figure out what you want to be when you grow up. I started the search, and let me tell you, it was pretty hard. That really is an understatement, it involved a lot of soul searching, prayers, and finding the right people to mentor me.  I took all the skills and personality tests to discover my strengths and talents, I read lots of books, listened to a ton of podcasts, took classes, and finally the results are in.

I am passionate about helping moms.

Many moms want the privilege of staying at home with their children, but I know that many times finances make that hard to do. I have facilitated Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University” classes many times, and know that extra income is important in lots of households. Therein lies the dilemma, how to generate the income needed AND stay at home.

I discovered that one of my gifts is teaching, paired with the fact that I love communicating with people. In my search for the answer to what I wanted to be when I grew up, I decided to see if I could teach baking skills to other people who did not have experience baking. Then I got a scathingly brilliant idea. My friend Judy cringed at the thought of baking, but she is a great sport, and agreed to let me teach her how to bake, and even let me video the lessons. Check out the videos in our recipe section. We have a great time, and Judy is becoming famous for her baking. All her friends and neighbors are lining up to get on her good side (she is spreading great food and good cheer to those near and dear to her.)

I wanted more proof, so I decided to teach a class how to bake, and had great reviews, so now I am going to open my doors and finally start helping stay at home moms learn to generate income for their families, and be able to stay at home with their kids. I have been greatly blessed and I am excited that I can help some moms do what I have done.

I will be posting more information in the coming weeks, and so watch for more information about how I can help some other stay at home moms generate money for their families.

Dave Ramsey Says You Could Retire a Millionaire!


I know that l have been talking about the need most of us have to generate money, but today I just have to talk about the other side of the equation, the outgo. On August 17th, Dave Ramsey had a great piece on his show in the second hour.

He was referencing an article from Yahoo Finance called  “Millionaire Myth Busters”. He covered the seven myths, but followed that by doing some math for all of us to take note of.

He made the argument that even someone who makes minimum wage has the opportunity to retire wealthy. Yep, you read  that right, wealthy. Sounds too good to be true doesn’t it. I don’t want to try and give the complete explanation of how you do that, he is the expert.

The short summary though is that through consistent savings of under fifty dollars invested your working lifetime of fifty years could make you a member of the millionaire club!

So, stay at home moms can really make the difference long term through frugal living and being disciplined about saving money. Hey, it is Friday, and that is a sweet way to start your weekend off right. Monday we can get back to working on the other side of the equation.

I highly recommend that you take a few minutes today to just go to the archives of his show on August 17, and listen to the second hour of the show. Simply go to the sixty minute marker and listen.

Creative Commons License photo credit: srish

What is Most Important to the Stay at Home Mom?

Family time.

What is your answer to that question? If you are anything like me, the answer is obvious. Stay at Home Moms have made the hard decision to sacrifice dollars for time. Your priority is to spend your hours dedicated to the care of your family.

That is a great choice, and in my opinion, is one you will never regret.  I decided to do that & now I have my older kids to use as a measure of the value of that decision.

I now have the information to verify that what I had felt all along was  best  for my family. That said, the truth of the matter is that finances do take a tole on all families. Money shortages can cause stress in any marriage, and therefore negatively affect your marriage.

I know for sure, it affected ours. Every time the car broke down, it either put us in debt, or was the cause for a seriously crabby mommy. This is not an ad for Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace University”, but I have to tell you, that program is a true gift.

Even Dave Ramsey tells everyone that there are two sides of the equation, the income and the outgo.  We moms all know that there are just times when the income side of that equation is a problem we all face.

To fix the problem, so many of us start the search for  home jobs. We are all hoping to find that perfect way to earn from home.

That is where so many of us take on that challenge and become the victim of con artists. You know from many of my previous posts that I fell for more than my share of scams. What each of us wants is legitimate work from home.

I am going to  give you some sound advice when you are searching for a way to make money from home.

  1. If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
  2. You probably can’t really make six figures while you sleep.
  3. Trust your gut, it is amazingly intuitive.
  4. If the sales presentation takes place at a hotel ballroom, run.

Let’s share some stories about things to avoid or scams we have run into.

Celebrate the Small Successes

FaithButton As part of a “class” I am taking, I regularly check in on blogs that mom’s write. I have found a great variety of blogs that I try and follow and I am meeting lots of other great moms. One thing I am learning is that it’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph.

I ran across this great idea for encouragement, so I am sharing this with you to put in your tool kit. I found this on Faith & the Family. They encourage moms to recognize their successes and share them with others on Thursday of each week.

I have been really behind in writing my blog this week. I was getting frustrated with myself about that very thing, and then I ran across this post from Daniel Bean. It reminded me that sometimes we just have to be satisfied with the small successes we experience, rather than being discouraged by our lack of action. You can read her blog here.


I decided to take the challenge and give myself credit for three successes this week, no matter how small.

  1. I talked with the branding specialist I hired for my website about how to put up the sales page for the work at home mom business I developed. Hopefully as soon as I actually get that done, I will be on my way to launch my business and help other stay at home moms work from home, yeah.
  2. I got all my kids headed off to school We have kids at all education levels  from eighth grade to law school. I even took pictures of their first day!
  3. I am working on a program I bought called the blog internship, and I have been struggling to get all the exercises done, however, I keep plugging away at it, and I am learning A LOT.

Well, this post is not exactly about following the steps toward working from home, but wait, it sure is. In real life, we have to commit to recognizing our accomplishments, or we will face times when doubt can overcome us. I urge you to join in this type of fun activity to encourage you to keep moving forward.

How to Discover Your Strengths, Passions, & Talents

Discover You

When our children are born, we all have the highest aspirations for them.  Let’s face it, we would do anything for our children. Unfortunately, we might be unable to provide one of the most important building blocks for our children’s  future.

It is so crucial to help identify the gifts and talents our children have been blessed with, yet many of us don’t even know how to do that for ourselves. Given that scenario, it would be like trying to teach someone to water ski, without ever having gone out in a boat.

The good news is that there are tools readily available to help us through that process. The DISC profile and “Strengths Finder” 2.0 by Tom Rath are two things that can point us in the right direction. You can purchase the book at any book store, and you need to actually purchase the book, because it gives you a unique code that can only be used once. The code gives you access to the test online, and the book explains the process, and the results.

The DISC profile is available online as well. One place I am sure offers it is https://www.mywiredstyle.com.My challenge for your weekend is to get the book, take the tests, and start the process of discovering you.

Find the Answer to Your Passions

Understanding your passions is puzzling. Many people struggle with discovering our passions, yet it is what we most want and love to do. It will make the difference between working at a job or business that drains you, and one that absolutely energizes you.

Even more puzzling is the fact that most people ignore the fact that understanding what you were created to do is critical to your happiness. In the world of business and generating money, it is shoved to the bottom of the list of considerations.

This morning I watched a great video. I am including it  here for you to watch. It is a little long, but it emphasizes the reasons that understanding your passions is so important.  It is worth the investment of your time.

I will discuss this more tomorrow, see you then.