When You Climb the Corporate Ladder-Do You Go Up or Down?

Recently I have talked to several women who by societies standards are VERY successful. They have climbed the corporate ladder, achieved measurable success, & earn a lot of money.

As we were talking though, they have said that in hindsight, they wish that they had made different choices. One woman told me that as she reflected back on the “happiest” time in her life, it was not when she got a fantastic raise or promotion. Rather it was when she lived in a small home, had her children around her and she was cooking a nice dinner for her family.

I think that is a far cry from what most of us would expect. I think that in most people’s minds, a great career, money, respect in the world would equal happiness. Imagine having the ability to just spend money on whatever you would like. But it seems that the contrary is true for many women. If they had it to do all over again, many say that they would have chosen to be stay at home moms.

I have never climbed the corporate ladder personally, and as a stay at home mom have to admit that there were times when that choice seemed to provide a lot of perks. I am owning up to occasional thoughts that secretly envied those women who had “dream” jobs that provided money to do anything they wanted to do.

When I was having one of those days, one of my kids would walk into the room and do or say something that would snap me out of that mindset, and make me realize how good life as a stay at home mom was. I no longer have desires to get anywhere near the corporate ladder, as a matter of fact, as I talk to more and more people who are at the top, much of what I hear seems to sound somewhat like regret for lost opportunities for family time, and they will never get another chance.

As I have reflected on those recent conversations,given the sense of remorse I have heard from those women, I have a question. Is climbing the corporate ladder taking you up, or in the other direction. I’m pretty sure that is not one mapquest can provide the answer to.

Looking for Non Profit Organizations Needing Money

We are starting to begin conversations with non profit organizations here in Kansas City who would like to join our program to become beneficiaries of the training weekends. We will donate all the rolls we make during the training weekends.

The non profit organization will need a place to sell them, (Churches are ideal) and the organization will keep all the money! We are going to have a great time raising some dough for them.

The sales of the rolls should raise somewhere in the $1000-$2000 range If you know of a non profit organization that would fit that description, please refer them to our website and have them contact us.

Ideally, we would like to work with nationwide non profits who have a
Kansas City connection. In addition to wanting to make contributions to great organizations, it is our hope that they will let their entire network know that moms trained by us can help them with fund raising in their area. They will be able to find our Dough Raising Moms through our website.

Be a Work at Home Mom And Help Others

Don’t forget to fill out the survey after watching the video if this may be a good fit for you.

Amazing Chocolate Brownie Dessert

It’s the Little Things.

You know, when you are first learning something it is hard. I doesn’t matter your age, because hopefully we are all in the lifelong learning mode. For me, all this computer stuff is a huge challenge. (I bet that is a big surprise to you if you have paid any attention to what I do here.)

I for one have decided that you should celebrate the little victories of life, and when you can do that, it helps improve your attitude tremendously. So, today I am celebrating that I was able to figure out how to add the Tungle.me and the Google Voice widgets to my website. Two minutes of work took me two days to figure out, but I DID IT! I know my kids must just shake their heads as I dance around yelling “Yeah”. Feel free to call me and congratulate me, especially if you struggle with technology too.

Make Change a Real Part of Your Life – Start Today

Yes, I Am Talking to YOU

We have all heard it said that today is the first   day of the rest of your life. In our minds we acknowledge the truth of the statement and then just go on about our day. Lets be honest here, most of us are long overdue for some changes.

Maybe today is the day to actually take that to heart, and begin to make the changes. Most of us might agree that it sounds great, but don’t have the slightest idea how to start making changes that will start the process. It really is not hard once you set your mind to succeed.

Maybe I can help. Here are just a couple of suggestions that will make it easier to take the first step. I recommend that you keep in mind that just like losing weight, this process takes time and effort. I know now that consistency is the key to winning so stay in the game.

  • Turn off the TV. Trust me, it is easier than you think. Simply push the button. Once done, you will be amazed how much extra time you have in your day. Just think, now you actually will have time to help others.
  • Books will Rock Your World! Libraries are free, you can usually save time by putting books you want on hold, they find them and put them aside just for you. (Good use of your tax dollars)
  • Podcasts and Audio Books can help you absorb books and work those mundane household tasks at the same time! Those modern inventions enable you to take multi-tasking to the extreme.

I promise that if you actually decide to give it the old college try, you will love the results. I never knew learning could be so much fun, and just think of the great example you will be setting for your family. How about a big High Five!

Can Just One Mom Really Make A Difference?

Just one mom.

Yesterday we remembered the men and women who fought for our freedom and paid the ultimate price. We should all stop and say a prayer for them and pay tribute to them and their families. In pondering what the day commemorates, one has to wonder if senseless violence will ever end. How many mothers have shed rivers of tears for their lost sons and daughters? I think it is safe to say that all mothers would love to find a way to end the violence, and have their families live peacefully.

If you are anything like me, you would love to do something that would make a difference and help make the world a more peaceful place for everyone. I have felt that way for many years, yet I am guilty of sitting here just wondering what I could do, all the while not really doing much. We are all busy, and it is so easy to rationalize that we simply don’t have the power to change anything anyway.

I have prayed a lot about this lately, and I now know that sitting here and rationalizing certainly will not help anyone. I have contemplated what role moms play in this world, and for some of us, we don’t really feel empowered to do much of anything. I want to suggest that we rethink that position.

Here is a radical thought

I believe that moms do yield a tremendous power in more than one way. Think about it, how many things do you do in a day that has an impact?

  • Who is the first and best teacher our children will ever have?
  • Who has influence and control of our children’ s time?
  • Who could include a charitable activity in the family schedule?
  • Who does the shopping?
  • Who can lead by example?

We can all do one little thing that will benefit someone else. Will that change the world? Probably not, but it may make another person’s life just a little better.  Consider this, if every mom would do one little thing, collectively our impact COULD change the world as we all lead by example. Think about it.

Is Green the New Color of Love?

Could green really mean love!

I am not trying to imply that money can buy love, but when you pair love with money, it can do wonders. I never realized before a few weeks ago that I had the power to use my talents to make a real impact on the lives of others that I don’t even know and will probably never meet. I took a few simple ingredients, put them together, spent time and labor, and with the help of my children and their friends, we were able to raise money to help others in ways that we will never realize.

It was a realization that stopped me in my tracks and made me re-evaluate how I will build this business. Sure, it will give my clients the ability to make some money to help their families, but the ability raise money for others is truly a bigger deal. The money that is raised to benefit others can have a ripple effect that we can only imagine.

I see the big picture now, and when we partner our love of family with the desire to help others, moms (and dads) of the world can take a giant step toward changing the lives of others as well as truly making a difference in the world. Moms (and Dads) working together with a common goal can really make a difference. All we have to do is our own one thing, but when added together, we have tremendous power to help others in an unstoppable way. It sounds like a lofty goal, I agree, but who else has more influence on their families than mothers. If we unite, we can lead the world to a better place by doing our one thing that we are uniquely gifted to do.

Put away your humbleness, it is time for action. Believe it or not, there are people in your own town that need your help, as well as people all over the globe just praying that someone somewhere will care. Moms, we all have that caring gene, but most of us just don’t know what we can do to help


I have prayed long and hard on this, and now I know that the answer is simple, and if you are reading this, you can be part of the movement to make positive changes in our world. You have that one talent, probably many talents, and you have some spare time, we all do. Turn off the tv, that will free up all the time needed to do your one thing. It really does not matter what gift you bring to the table, it is needed, and when paired with all the gifts of others, the power of love can be unleashed.

If you would like to know more about how our Dough Raising Mom program can help your family as well as the families across the globe, we would love you to join our website so we can keep you informed about when we will begin taking applications to be trained by us to help groups with their fund raising needs. A benefit to you is that you raise money for your family


be able to stay at home with your kids.
[Read more…]

I Am Admitting I Am Guilty


Judges sentence: Change your attitude.

I don’t know about you, but as a stay at home mom I had felt like a second class citizen. I watched as others accomplish what seemed to be incredible things. I on the other hand spent my day caring for my children, keeping house, doing laundry, preparing meals, chauffeuring kids from place to place. I was so busy with what could be considered as mundane tasks that did not require brain power, that when I found myself in a group of professionals, I felt very inadequate indeed. In my mind, and in honesty maybe theirs as well, I was inept, delegated to the lowly duty of motherhood, while others were about the important work of running the world.

I now know that I was the biggest part of the problem. I grossly underestimated the value of my role in my family and in the world. I I really stunk at accepting compliments, because the things that others admired I didn’t see the tremendous value in.

You see, if you think about the person that had the most impact on your life, most of us would have to admit it was our mothers. Moms have the most influence over the future generations, and yet we don’t think that counts for a lot. Wow, when you think about it, that means that the world leaders of tomorrow are being shaped by us, just as all the world leaders since the beginning of time were hugely influenced by their mothers. Thinking of your job in that light, motherhood is a HUGE deal, and no mother should think that she doesn’t measure up to her professional counterparts.

I am here to tell you that we don’t need to redefine our roles as mothers with fancy terms like domestic engineers, because as we quietly do our work, we are in the process of determining the future of the world. [Read more…]

Mothers Day

So, how was your Mothers’ Day. Were you showered with flowers and gifts? Did you children make gifts that you will cherish forever? Will you remember next year what you got this year? I for one can say a resounding yes to that question. What you may ask did I get that I won’t soon or ever forget? Was I treated to the most amazing day at the spa, or treated to the finest restaurant in town?Did my children tell me to put my feet up and serve my every want all day?

Not quite, but close. I actually spent my mothers day by getting up at 3:00 to finish making and baking 275 pans of cinnamon rolls that my son and his eighth grade class were selling to raise money for Food for the Poor. They had learned that they could build a house with four rooms for $2600, and they really wanted to be able to give that gift to a family.

As they were wrapping the rolls one of the boys remarked that as he was covering the rolls with saran wrap he felt that he was adding another board to the house they wanted to help build. They were very successful and raised a grand total of $3,136, enough to build the house, buy two water pumps to supply fresh water to two villages, a goat to provide milk to a family, and enough left over to provide food for three families for three months. I was so proud of those kids that it brought tears to my eyes. My son counted out the $2,600 put the money in a pile and said, “that is our house”. When they were a little short to be able to purchase the three months worth of food, he took all the money he had and was able to finish funding the food purchase.

Will I remember Mothers’ Day 2010? You bet I will!