Start My Own Business

Delightful Aromas Awaken My Family

Homemade Goodness

I kept investigating everything I could find about making money from home, yet I could not find anything at the time that worked for me, and I ran into a lot of scams. I finally decided to start my own business doing breakfast catering for corporate business meetings. It grew and took on a life of it’s own, and the end result was very different from the original plan.

I learned a lot during those years. But as I began the journey toward how I could help others, one thing stood out to me. Many people have a need to generate immediate cash. Lots of business ideas are very valid, but they fall short of being able to generate immediate cash flow. If you can become profitable the first year, that is great, but that is not very immediate. I noticed that many people have that need for the immediate cash whether it is to help them pay off debt, make a necessary purchase, or build an emergency fund.

For so many years I had been helping youth groups raise money, and then one day a group that I was not familiar with asked me to help them, and wanted to know what I would charge them to make cinnamon rolls for them. We decided they would purchase them at a wholesale price and sell the at retail. A win win for both of us. That weekend I worked really hard, but the payoff was very nice indeed.

Much later I began to wonder if this could be the answer for other stay at home moms. My daughter offered to conduct the market research and approached a few churches offering to help them raise money they needed and she got a great response. She was able to generate a tidy profit for both parties. Requests for repeat sales started coming in, and we had the proof we were looking for and Dough Raising Mom was created.

We are putting the finishing touches on our new business that will teach stay at home moms or dads how to start and run their own business. In late May we will meet with our trusted advisers and make sure we have covered all the bases, and hopefully will start taking applications for our first class in June. Please check back for the latest news or join our mailing list so you can take advantage of this program in the near future.

I Need to Contribute How Much Money?

Maxed Out
I guess you may be curious about a mom of twelve starting her own business. I did not start my baking career intending it to be a career. I just enjoyed the process, and others liked the product. It morphed into a career sort of out of necessity.

You see, our kids attended parochial school.It did not have a standard size gym, and there was a growing need for classroom space. One day we got a letter encouraging us to pledge a certain amount of money to the building fund. We agreed with the cause, but the problem was we did not have that amount of money to spare.

We believed in the time, talent, treasure theory, and decided to propose an unconventional way to generate our pledge money. I offered to host a cinnamon roll sale after each Sunday service one day a month, and donate all the proceeds to the pledge fund. That idea was met with let’s say a lukewarm reception and lots of doubt. However, the day of the first sale made believers out of everyone, including me. I began getting suggestions to start my own business, and I really thought all those people were slightly crazy.

The seed was planted though, and it took quite awhile to germinate. Check back soon, and I will continue this saga, as well as how I might be able to help stay at home moms, parents and earn some great part time income.

Safety Net

Today my son’s car broke down, and he could not get it working in time to get to work. Although the situation was hugely annoying for him, he was able to ask me for a ride, and his immediate problem of getting to work was solved. Just as I got back to work, (I am a mompreneur) I got a call from my daughter’s school, she was feeling crummy and wanted to come home. I was able to run right over and pick her up. Knowing that there is someone who is there to help when life happens is such a comfortable thought. I think that those of us who are stay at home moms have the privilege of providing that comfort to our families, friends, and those who need us. We are the family safety net, and no matter how old our children are, knowing that there is a safety net to catch them lends balance to their lives. Add a check mark to the list of reasons to be a stay at home mom and a solopreneur.