What Does Dinner Have to Do with Making Money?

I Bet You Want An Answer to That Question!

First of all, Happy New Year! I know that I sort of fell off the radar for the past week or so, but now I have so much to share with all of you.

Christmas was a blast, we had all the kids home, feasted, played games, and just spent quality time together. I hope your was equally as good.

I wrote a check this morning and had the first experience of writing 2011. It hit me  that it is time to set the agenda for the year, and one of the top of the list priorities is to build my business. I imagine many of you can relate to that. Oh sure, I have to lose those pesky pounds that arrived with all the Holiday goodies, but that’s managable.

I was thinking what one key thing would help me accomplish that priority. The best answer I came up with is to add a few hours to the day. If only I could do that, people would be knocking down my door to discover my secret.

I have often thought that if I did not have to waste time sleeping and eating, I would have so much more time in my day. Unfortunately, I enjoy both of those things, so forget that idea. I don’t know if maybe all the traveling I did over the holidays affected my brain, but I couldn’t get that thought out of my head.

Then it hit me, sleeping is non negotiable, but eating offers some real possibilities. I don’t know about you, but a dreaded question I face daily is what to fix for dinner. In the past I have vowed to plan a menu and follow it, but that usually does not last long.

It isn’t that it does not work, somehow I just get distracted and then go back to the “oh no, it’s 4:00pm, what should I fix for supper”. I have to tell you that hamburger has become the default entree in our house because it is flexible and fast.

Then it dawned on me how I could remedy that problem for myself, and you too. If I would commit publicly to planning and sharing my menu, I would have to do it, no excuses. So, here is my idea. I will plan a weekly menu and post it for all of you. I will even share the recipes, and that will be a trick since I am sort of  a pinch of this sort of gal. Who knows, I may even throw in some of the commentary from our dinner table. I have to tell you, my kids are a tough audience.

To answer the question from the title, if we plan our work and work our plan ie make a dinner menu and follow it, we can all save a considerable amount of time, therefore devote more effort to growing our businesses. I will run now and get busy on that menu. Let me know what you think, hey, if you have menu ideas or recipes you would love to share with us, I’d love to hear from you!

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